Since 2005, we from have promoted standards in the vocational training and further education of firefighters in the use of aerial appliances. The founders of the Hamburg based company, Jan Ole Unger and Nils Beneke, have developed the Standard Operating Procedure HOUSE* for the use of aerial appliances during operations.

For over 10 years, we have instructed firefighters, crews and managers alike, in the use of aerial appliances. In over 250 projects, we have trained more than 3,000 firefighters in eight different countries and on two continents.

Professional fire services. Industrial plant fire services. Volunteer fire services. has a team of specialists providing training in the use of aerial ladders and elevated work platforms. This variety ensures innovation and change at

Why train with us?

Emergencies fire services face the challenge of having to fight one or more dangers at the same time and frequently on the basis of inadequate information.

A solid education and regular training mean enhanced safety through secure handling of vehicles and devices during operations. Stress levels and accidents are reduced. Every hand movement becomes automatic, no matter what time of the day.

Fire forces should be prepared for any extreme situation: Saving human lives in the last minute with the help of an aerial appliance!

Are you prepared?

What do we offer?

Training made in Germany – our expertise and long-term experience have enabled us to develop tailor-made schemes for vocational training and further education. Our training sessions are highly practice-oriented and enhance the use of your aerial appliance during operations – with measurable outcomes!

We train firefighters at the following levels:

Level 1 – Machinery and application

Basic technical and mechanical knowledge for firefighters. The participants will learn to master and safely operate the machinery. Instruction in hydraulics and electronics as well as training in secure emergency operations in case of technical failure will also be covered.

Level 2 – Operations course

Firefighters will receive the latest knowledge and insights on operational schemes and principles for the use of aerial appliances. Human rescue; optional escape routes, safe and alternative retreats; firefighting and technical assistance – participants will be equipped for each of those scenarios in simulated exercises.

Level 3 – Instructor

Instructors in the fire services will receive from us the necessary tools and know-how which enable them to effectively train and further educate aerial appliances crews at their site. The two-day course is also designed to convey the skills and knowledge needed to conduct focused activities.

Individual training

Do you have special training needs? We offer you training in machinery and emergency operations, fall protection, crane operation, or instruction for special operational situations.


Your advantages when training with us:

Please contact us. We will answer your questions and send you further information:


The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) HOUSE is a guideline for training and operations and summarizes all important steps needed in order to quickly and correctly position aerial appliances. The SOP helps to reduce stress levels of crews during operations. The SOP is the standard reference for the training of aerial appliances crews and was authored by the founders of the information portal To date, the SOP has been issued in English, French, Spanish and Italian.

The SOP can be used for cases of human rescue; optional escape routes, safe and alternative retreats; firefighting and technical assistance. It is applicable to all aerial appliances in fire service, aerial ladders or elevated work platforms, and functions independently of the manufacturer and year of manufacturing.

References and Certification committed itself from the outset to adhere to quality standards in training and has been awarded the certificate Certified Training Institution by the Hamburg Further Education Initiative in 2011.

European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training
European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training

We guarantee customer protection, transparent terms and conditions for participants and binding quality standards throughout for all participants in our training and further education courses. is an official member of the European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (EfVET).

Since 2005 we have trained firefighters in public service and at industrial plants in Europe and South America. Currently, the participants in our international courses receive training in French, Spanish and Italian. is a cooperation partner of the National Fire School Luxemburg, the Swiss Fire Association and the Cuerpo de Bomberos de Santiago in Chile.

We have experience with aerial appliances produced by the following manufacturers:

Contact us … is a branch of

GFBA – Gesellschaft für Brandschutzausbildung mbH
Airport-Center (Haus C)
Flughafenstraße 52 a
D – 22335 Hamburg
Fon +49 (0)40 23849021
Fax +49 (0)40 23849022

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